About PayPer Stack

PayPer Stack was found in 2014, and has evolved since then.

PayPer Stack is an agent for Recycling companies who are willing to enter the Indian market as suppliers or distributors of waste paper and other commodities. Our in-house expertise is in waste paper and all kinds of paper from over 5 continents, to various large and medium capacity paper mills in India as well as the mill in other countries. We try to meet qualities with utmost efficiency as per the mills demand and preference of raw material, which helps them focus on their major business.

Principles of ethical trade with PayPer Stack

We swear by a few ethical trading practices and they are of at most value to us.

Fair Trade Practice

The company will always believe in fair trade, keeping in mind the social, economic and environmental well-being. Never maximizing profit on the company’s expense.

Transparency and Accountability

There will be complete transparency and integrity in commercial transactions. Always hold a strong communication in the whole supply chain. Culture of honesty.

Providing Capacity Building

Always supporting and encouraging growth. Commitment to the best client service possible. Protecting the suppliers interest as we take responsibility of being their eyes & ears in our market.

Payment of fair price

A price that is mutually agreed through dialogue and participation. Fair for the supplier and the price that can be sustained by the market.

Benefits of recycling

Before throwing a piece of paper in the dustbin, remember the tree you will be saving by stacking up a pile in your office and forwarding it for recycling.

As the world is slowly turning organic and trying to save our mother earth with the trees left and the nature we can still enjoy. We promote recycling and its important in today’s world.

Recycling paper has several benefits both for humans and the earth. Using recycled paper to make new paper reduces the number of trees that are cut down, conserving natural resources. In some instances, recycling services are cheaper than trash-disposal services. Recycling paper saves landfill space and reduces the amount of pollution in the air from incineration.

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